

Page history last edited by Gillena Cox 14 years, 1 month ago


Welcome to  Caribbean Kigo   

Do you have  a kigo in mind which resonates a Caribbean essence? 

Be a part of the expression here at Caribbean Kigo.

  Post a haiku using your kigo; You can email  gillenacox@tstt.net.tt  Subject: 'Re Caribbean Kigo'

Enjoy your sojourn at Caribbean Kigo. 


much love... 


all the poems here at  Caribbean Kigo  remain the property of their authors, and should not be used, without their individual approval.  



Kigo used in Japanese poetry forms indicate seasons and enhance the art of abstraction in these forms.

Although the term was used as late as 1908; its presence can be traced to earliest  works.

In the Taisho period (1912–1925)  there was a movement which considered the kigo not necessary to the form, but kigo is still recognised and used today both in Japanese language and other languages which appreciates the  genre of the Japanese Poetry


Kigo [both singular and plural modes] translates from Japanese to English as season word


"The trouble begins when we confuse the idea of “season words” as we have it in English, imagining the context of (Japanese) kigo as virtually identical to ours: that the main and indeed only function of kigo in Japan is likewise to present and delimit seasons—just as in our haiku tradition. But as Tsubouchi mentions (see “Tsubouchi Nenten: Kigo” below), “kigo is a culture.” [Kigo and Seasonal Reference in Haiku: Observations, Anecdotes and a Translation;Richard Gilbert;Publication: Simply Haiku 3.3 (Autumn 2005);http://iyume.com/research/kigo/07-sh-kigo-and-seasonal-reference-2005.htm]


Caribbean Kigo attempts at linking certain words and  phrases  which have explicit meaning at a particular time more so than at other times. For Example Poui noted here as a Dry Season Kigo with a Spring parallel in Temperate Climates. The prolific blooms around April/May or Easter time cannot be compared to other sparse sprinklings of these trees in bloom at any othertime of the year. The easter time bloom of these treese are phenomenal hence Caribbean Kigos Dry Season Kigo - Poui. 


Is there a place for Kigo in Caribbean haiku expression; maybe so maybe not, however, Caribbean Kigo attempts at linking certain words and  phrases  which have explicit meanings relative to our sense of taste, smell, sight, and passions; to particular times during the year.


While Caribbean Kigo focuses on our hemispheric experiences; it encourages and allows writers from an international platform to share, to compare, to contrast their haiku sketches, here.

--gillena cox 





Coming Clean On Kigo by John Bird




Kigo Versus Seasonal Reference in Haiku: Observations, Anecdotes and a Translation

by Richard Gilbert

In Simply Haiku Autum V3.3  2005




Becoming A Haiku Poet by Michael Dylan Welch




 Techniques used in Modern Japanese Haiku:

Vocabulary and Structure by Ban'ya Natsuishi




Repitition For Meaning And Melody

by Florence Vilen






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Comments (2)

eye_mage@yahoo.com said

at 1:39 pm on Mar 1, 2009

Guava crop days

meaning a time from scarcity, food wise or in general financial.

Catbird55 said

at 12:11 pm on May 30, 2009

across from law courts
homeless man sleeps unseen
by sleek attorneys

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