Caribbean Kigo Kukai is now blogging
CaribbeanKigo #09 Kukai Results
Players: 1. Cindy Tebo, USA; 2. Sakuon Nakamura, Japan; 3. Ralf Bröker, Germany; 4. John Daleiden, USA; 5. Juhani Tikkanen; 6. Ruth Pooteet, USA; 7.Keith Simmonds, T&T; 8. Gynith Roberts, USA; 9. Andrzej Dembończyk, Silesia, Poland; 10. Catherine J.S. Lee, Maine, USA; 11. Mary Davila, USA; 12. Quentin Clingerman, USA;
new year's day
the smell of pickled herring
on the cat's breath
--Cindy Tebo
Votes:3-2-4*** ;Points:19
Comments: Great idea of having a hangover and looking for some sour tasting help. But the cat was faster - badluck.
fortune cookies -
the same wisdom
as the year before
--Andrzej Dembończyk, Silesia, Poland
Votes:*4-1*** ;Points:11
hoping for the coin
in the cowpeas, ham, and rice –
a new year begins
--Catherine J.S. Lee
Votes:2-1-1*** ;Points:7
Comments: I know that situation - a Chinese type of déjavu ..
his fist full
of black-eyed peas
a gull's scream
--Mary Davila
Votes:2-1-3*** ;Points:7
Comments: Somehow dark, but a strong picture.
cutting rice cake
in small size
for old couple
Votes:1-1-1*** ;Points:6
saint silvester’s day
this time she prepares
pea purée and pork
--Ralf Bröker
Votes:3-1**** ;Points:5
in the kitchen pot
chittlins boiling boiling boil…
soul food
---John Daleiden, Abondale, AZ
Votes:1***** ;Points:1
New Year’s snow –
the cat caught
another mouse
--Tikkis, Turku, Finland
Votes:2-***** ;Points:2
a silver dime
spooned from the hoppin’ john
New Year’s good luck charm
--Reason A. Poteet
Votes:*3**** ;Points:6
New Year’s Day ~
family fiesta with
pork chops and lentils
--Keith A. Simmonds; T & T
Votes:*1**** ;Points:2
Dawn of a new year
Black eyed peas on the table
Bring good luck all year
--Gynith Roberts
Votes: 1-2**** ;Points:5
Sauerkraut on plate
Best wishes for the New Year
Ate with thanksgiving
--Quentin Clingerman
Votes:1***** ;Points:1
[End of results CKK#9; January 2010]
CaribbeanKigo #08 Kukai Results
Players: 1. Gynith Roberts, USA; 2. Vasile Moldovan, Romania; 3. Shanna Baldwin Moore, Philippines; 4. Tatjana Debeljacki, Serbia ; 5. John McDonald, Scotland; 6. Sakuon Nakamura, Japan; 7. John Daleiden, USA; 8. Taro Kunugi, Japan; 9. Ralf Bröker, Germany; 10. Victor P. Gendrano,; Philippines; 11. William Kenny,USA; 12. Juhani Tikkanen, Finland; 13. Krzysztof Kokot, Poland; 14. Jacek Margolak, Poland; 15; Kalina Trendafilova, Bulgaria; 16. Mary Davila, USA; 17. Cindy Tebo, USA; 18. Rafal Zabratynski, Poland; 19.Catherine J.S. Lee, Maine, USA; 20. Magdalena Dale, Romania; 21.Quentin Clingerman, USA; 22. Corbelle Armando, USA; 23. Olga Neagu, Italy
solitude . . .
turning out the lights
I let in the moon
Votes:5-7-3-***; Points:28
Comments:1. The captured moment when moon light floods over us after artificial lights are shut off--this is the nectar of the gods; beautiful moment.
2. Lines 2 and 3 are beautiful – it’s too bad line 1 is an abstract idea instead of an image.
The first cry-
lights and shades
on the mother's face
--Vasile Moldovan - Romania
Votes:4-4-1***; Points:15
Comments: 1. I thought "shadows" would have been a better choice on L2. It avoids the near rhyme of shades/face especially when there is another near rhyme in the pairing of cry/lights. Also the word "shades" when combined with "lights" remind me of a lampshade. I do appreciate the layers of meaning in this haiku. The phrase, "Lights and shades," suggests a contrast between life and death--the infant's first cry and the mother's last one.
2. The ambiguity of the first line captured my attention; we do not know if this the "first cry" of a newborn infant or if the means that the mother is sensitive to the the outcry of the infant whenever it happens. Nice indeed.
3. A tender moment that would be slightly more focused by dropping “the” from the first line, which would also avoid “the” appearing twice.
neon lights
the curtain's pattern
blinks on the wall
--Rafal Zabratynski
Votes:3-3-***1; Points:15
Comments: An imaginative variation on the shadow theme. The poet makes us
in the same pool
the sun and the moon
October light
Votes:5-2-1-***; Points:12
Comments: 1.The heavens are an immense "pool"; how spectacular to see both the sun and moon in the sky at the same time; the natural world is a world of wonder 2.There are lots of sun and moon ku. It's the pool that makes this
one work.
Amber rays of dawn
Spill lights upon the silent earth
Serenity reigns
-- Gynith Roberts
Votes:******; Points:
cold on the mountain
fire light fades
alone with the ashes
Votes:1-1-2***; Points:9
Comments: The first thought that came to mind was someone spreading a loved one's ashes on the mountain but I think the emphasis here is on the loneliness of one's spirit after the flames have gone out--whether those flames were from a simple campout, a volcano, or a love that has gone dormant. Or the image could be the mountain itself--all warmth extinguished after the sun goes down.
will leave you
before the night
day lights view
--Tatjana Debeljacki
Votes:******; Points:
cold streets -
flickering lights
Votes:2*2***; Points:8
Comments:1. I love the simple thing drawn as a simple thing.
2. This haiku would be a bit stronger for being brought into the singular – “cold street” – since the poet would be on a particular street seeing this. “streets” generalizes instead of providing a moment.
with pleasure
set light in the deyas
listen Christmas song.
yorokobi te/ deyas ni hi tomosi/ seika kiku
Votes:******; Points:
each light a link
to the oneness of all--
Divali Nagar
--John Daleiden
Votes:1-1-****; Points:3
a lake of lights
scintillating under my eyes;-
the mountain spa
--Taro Kunugi; Yo Kunugi, Yamanashi, Japan
Votes:3*****; Points:3
Comments: Very poetic. And I still don't know whether these are tears ... But I had some difficulties with the punctuation - was it a smiley or something?
Weekend arrangement--
blowing out
-- Ralf Bröker
Votes:1-1-****; Points:3
helped by the light
a moth fulfills
its death wish
--Victor P. Gendrano
Votes:1-1-1-***; Points:6
light of the morning -
crumpled bedclothes and
lipstick on the glass
Votes:3*****; Points:3
Comments: What is familiarly known as the cold light of dawn (or morning
after)? I'd prefer "morning light" for line 1.
the smooth gliding
of plane lights
winter dusk
--Jacek Margolak; POLAND
Votes:4-2-****; Points:8
Comments:1. Anything that moves through the sky at "dusk" or after certainly captures our attention; here, the "smooth gliding" speaks loudly of safety and the wonder of how human invention defies the natural laws of physics and yet remains beautiful.
2. My favorite of the month: The kinesis of line 1 interacting with
the visuals of lines 2 & 3, the two kinds of light interacting with
one another, the interaction of sounds (e. g., "gliding," "lights" and
the finality of "dusk"), and "winter" clinches it. "glide" might work
in place of gliding.
summer sunset
lights calligraphy on the
Mediterranean sea
Votes:3*****; Points:3
Comments:I feel this haiku wants to convey a message but I'm uncertain what that message is.Why is a "summer sunset" better than a winter one? Why end the line with "the" when "across" may have been a better choice? Why the Mediterranean Sea as opposed to any other body of water? I do like the use of "calligraphy" as a verb.
festival of lights
the dove winks back
at a star
-- Mary Davila
Votes:3*****; Points:3
Comments:1."festival of lights" celebrations throughout the world focus on humanitarian and religious thanks giving; the link between the underlying purpose of these celebrations and the "dove", a traditional symbol of peace is well concieved; you convey a deep sense of wellness in this haiku.
2. What do the dove and star know that we don't? Everything.
3. Not sure the part about the dove winking at a star is truly possible, but it makes a lovely haiku image anyway.
the piano lights flickering
before they go out
--Cindy Tebo
Votes:1-2-****; Points:5
Comments: “nocturne” as a piano composition and “nocturne” as an evening scene – nicely juxtaposed
torch song . . .
autumn leaves drifting past
the neon lights
--Catherine J.S. Lee; USA
Votes:4*****; Points:4
Comments:1. Atmospheric. That "Autumn Leaves" is actually the title of a
torch song is unfortunate, however
2. Urban poetry, worth a dry Martini and a saxophon-solo while reading it.
These night lights
your eyes looking at me…
rays of moon
--Magdalena Dale; Bucharest - Roumania
- Votes:**1***; Points:3
Lights flash on and off
A timid knock at the door
Costumes hurry on
--Quentin Clingerman
Votes:*1****; Points:2
Comments: I appreciate the humorous scene--lovers bumbling around in the dark trying to quickly put their clothes back on. However, I felt that the word "timid" didn't add anything to the haiku. For example, if the person knocking is a lookout--why not an "urgent knock" as opposed to a "timid" one? For that matter, why knock at all?
lights out - she cries
as she dashes from the dorm
house mother's day off
Votes:******; Points:
to many lights
and I can not see Your face
in this night,my Lord
--Olga Neagu
Votes:3-*-1-***; Points:6
---Sakuon Nakamura; Japan said…
I think Light itself can not be Kigo independantly.
It needs adjective or noun as word conbination for becoming kigo.
---from the kukai coordinator
I wanted to get from writers a sharing of lights pertaining to festivals and activities around this time of the year and since in the Caribbean we do not have autumn weather i decided to use just ‘lights’ because really lights do take center stage; in the form of the tiny deyas and house decorated lights and early Christmas decorations, around this time of year with special and pertinent emphasis. It is indeed amazing, that September to December, these are Wet Weather months for us, yet there is the Festival of Lights with an emphasis on traditional lighted deyas using ghee as fuel, and displayed successfully in mass outdoors on Divali night, hailed as the darkest night of the year; an event which is not calendar dated, but observed as a lunar festival. Gabi Greve (a member of Caribbean Kigo Kukai at facebook) also expressed concern about the term as Kigo, in an email; she was unfamiliar with this as kigo in Japan, However after some research and pondering she propsed to her World Kigo database the section ‘Light, Lights’. Then on October 10th, Olga alerted me to the Observation of a ‘World Day of Peace and Lights’ project, well that cemented for me ‘lights’ as a Caribbean Kigo in the WW page
The kukai moved along nicely and i received poems expressing lights in different celebratory aspects including birthdays and anniversaries;
Its certainly such concerns and comments when expressed and debated which contribute to the success of CKK…much love gillena
---Quentin Clingerman, USA said…
Quite a diverse group of poets geographically! The first comment on mine missed the point entirely since I was picking up on Halloween!... Que
---Comments from Michael Baribeau, USA; one of our Asterisk players who did not contest this kukai
Haiku # 1- Nice images. I like the trochee meter in line 1. Feels a bit like traditional Western poetic style. Perhaps a more simplistic, less abstract haiku style with a haiku type insight. And since light is to be used as a kigo (or just as a key word?) then a seasonal reference (tropical?) as well, like... autumn - the trees silent - in the morning light. Haiku # 2-Compelling image without having to spell it out. I read it about the turmoil of emotions that cross over a mother's face at sound of their child's first breath/cry. Spring kigo/seasonal reference? Haiku # 3-It's funny how something as little as even a tiny campfire can bring hope and warmth to the dark scary wilderness. Nice associating cold and loneliness to the ash. Nice kigo/seasonal reference. Haiku # 4 I like the future tense, unusual in haiku I think but works for me. Seems to be dropping some pronouns and articles in an effort to shorten it which makes it sound incomplete and difficult for me to understand. No kigo/seasonal reference? Haiku # 5- Nice lonely feeling walking the streets while noticing 'warm' homes with a modern twist with flickering tv light instead of a flickering fire light. Haiku # 6- I'm not very knowledgeable about the holiday with the deyas but I like the blending of the two different religion's holidays both amusing and cosmopolitan. Not sure you need the emotion characterization in line 1. The phrasing in lines 2 and 3 seems fragmented. Just playing with it, something like... city megaphones - playing Christmas music - deyas light the windows (or wherever you have deyas:). Haiku # 7- A nice sentiment, very poetic. I wonder if maybe a little less abstract and more concrete like, Divali Nagar portrait - each flame flickers - as one light. Haiku #08 - A wonderful image. Not sure you need line 2 and the word scintillating kind of sticks out and reminds me of the quote "Remember that haiku is a finger pointing at the moon, and if the hand is bejeweled, we no longer see that to which it points." I like lake of lights but am looking for more implied meaning in it like suggesting the spa and not telling me there's a spa, like... hot tub steam - the mountain lake - of lights. No kigo/seasonal reference? Haiku #09- I'm not certain of the message, it might be the phrase weekend arrangement has more meaning in your area. Is weekend arrangement ie weekend business trip? Then this is referring to someone blowing out candles of a candlelight dinner that was canceled due to a such a business trip (I've seen that that scene in many movies)? Or is weekend arrangement is ie a weekend rendezvous, the dinner date its self? Then is the date canceled or are they together and are 'turning out' the lights and spending the night together? I'm guessing it's the last one in which case for line 1 I would go for a less direct, more implied meaning, and more concrete image, like... the flicker in her eyes - blowing out - the candlelight. No kigo/seasonal reference? Haiku #10- Funny irony:) I wonder about a less direct more implied message, like... deep woods - a pile of moths - beneath the porch light. This is probably a summer kigo/seasonal reference? Haiku #11- Charming haiku. I read as being so lonely that they turned out the light to at least have the moon as company. I wonder about a more concrete image and implied message for line one, like... empty house. No kigo/seasonal reference? Haiku #12- This is difficult for me to visualize and although I see the connection to light I missed how October is connected. Haiku #13- I'm reading an amusing contrast between a romantic evening and the scene in the 'light of day'. Their wearing bedclothes confuses me (that's not how we roll where I'm from:). If I'm right about the romantic evening then I wonder about specifying the type of glass in line 3 and go with a more implied meaning with something like... lipstick - on the wineglass - morning light. Otherwise for line 2 what about scattered clothes or rumpled sheets? No kigo/seasonal reference? Haiku #14- A nice image and I read as a reference of gliding to skating on ice and even the thought of it's contrail makes me think of a skaters' trail in the ice. Haiku #15- A very pretty image. It feels a bit of western style poetry to me, what about a more implied meaning, like... calligraphy - summer sunset lights - the Mediterranean sea. Should this be a kigo/seasonal reference for the current season? Haiku #16- This is cute. Not sure of the dove and star reference to the Diwali festival of lights unless it is a Christmas reference to peace, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus' natal star. Anyways a bit manufactured for my tastes for a haiku. I don't ascribe to the thought that a haiku has to be about something that actually happened but I do prefer it be believable and natural. Perhaps implying the message with more subtlety, like... festival of lights - a caged dove - cocks his head. Haiku #17- I'm reading this as a pun taking Chopin's Nocturnes for nocturnal, as in the night, and then having the lights go out. Cute, hard to believe, but cute. No kigo/seasonal reference? Haiku #18- Very nice. A simple image that captures the effect of the neon without imposing an opinion of it. A nice shasei feel. There's also a kind of urban wabi/sabi about it. Interesting twist thinking of a shadow as blinking. No kigo/seasonal reference? Haiku #19- Nice use of autumn leaves for an old flame in the past and neon for passion and the present. I like the juxtapositioning. Haiku #20- Romantic. Not sure you need line 1 and I want to read line 3 more juxtaposed to the rest to give a more implied feeling, like... moonlight - across the table - her eyes. No kigo/seasonal reference? Haiku #21- I assume with the costumes this is referring to a holiday but I'm not sure which. Since Halloween is coming up in my area next week and since kids knock at the door for trick or treating I would guess it's that. So then the flashing lights are a spooky display at the door, the timid knock is kids asking for candy scared by the display, and costumes hurry is them running away in their Halloween costumes? It's cute (if I'm right:) but with each line written as a fragment, I assume to try and convey the whole sequence, its a bit disjointed. Writing a fragment AND a phrase or even just as a phrase helps make haiku both understandable and brief. It also forces us to condense the moment down, you could probably tease 2 or 3 haiku out of this one. flashing lights and dry ice - slowly trick or treaters - approach the door. Halloween music - a timid knock - at the door. Halloween sound effects - monsters and ghouls - run away. Haiku #22- I like that the house mother is so much a mother to this girl and yet she's not a 'real full time mother'. There seems more information than necessary. I wonder about dropping "lights out" or dropping line 2. It feels it could be showing and less telling. Maybe instead of "she cries" something like, 'sounds of weeping'. Haiku #23- Very moving sentiment. Seems a bit of Western style poetry or prose. It's abstract and metaphoric while haiku tends to be more literal and concrete… Michael Baribeau.
CaribbeanKigo #07 Kukai Results
Players: 1. Ralf Bröker, Germany; 2. John McDonald, Scotland; 3. Jacek Margolak, Poland; 4. Zhanna P. Rader, USA; 5 Armando Corbelle, USA; 6. Rafal Zabratynski, Poland; 7. Cindy Tebo, USA; 8. Andrzej Dembończyk, Silesia, Poland; 9 Magdalena Dale, Romania; 10. Olga Neagu, Italy; 11. Juhani Tikkanen, Finland; 12. William Kenny, USA; 13. Keith Simmonds, Trinidad and Tobago; 14. Kalina Trendafilova, 15. Vasile Moldovan, Romania; 16. Taro Kunugi, Japan; 17. Sakuon Nakamura, Japan 18. Catherine J.S. Lee, Maine, USA; 19. Mary Davila, USA.
flood's end
through the rusty gate
a sunbeam
--Jacek Margolak; POLAND
Votes:5-5-3***; Points:24
a teacup
still in the doll's hand
flood waters
--Mary Davila
Votes:6-5****; Points:16
flood warning
ducks glide past
a row of mailboxes
--Cindy Tebo
Votes:1-4-1***; Points: 12
Comments: Many links in this; and a wonderful movement carries a slightly ironic atmosphere
can't even hear
the main artery
--Ralf Bröker, Ochtrup, Germany
Votes:******; Points:
after the flood:
trees hung
with strange blossom
--john McDonald
Votes:3-2****; Points:7
A village
perched on a small hill -
flood all around.
--Zhanna P. Rader
Votes:2-1****; Points:4
just your smile
is a flood of memories
years just wash away
Votes:2-1-****; Points:4
flood wave
the prison wall
much lower
--Rafal Zabratynski
Votes:8*1***; Points:11
flood --
elderly woman strokes
her dead dog
--Andrzej Dembończyk, Silesia, Poland
Votes:4-1-****; Points:6
A river in flood...
under the soft moon light
baby's crying
--Magdalena Dale - Romania
Votes:2*****; Points:2
floods -
a love letter floats
with no word
--olga neagu
Votes:3-1-****; Points:5
money floods --
global economic crisis
Votes:******; Points:
flash flood warning
so many things
on my mind
Votes:2*****; Points:2
Comments: I like the idea and would have given more points, if the things had been named.
ominous black clouds
terror grips the Central land...
flood waters coming
-- Keith A. Simmonds; Trinidad & Tobago
Votes:******; Points:
flooded streets
swimming with difficulty
walkers and drivers
-- Kalina
Votes:******; Points:
After the Noah's flood
billows near billows
the mountains
--Vasile Moldovan - ROMANIA
Votes:******; Points:
The flood over / the carps are running / on the sands
Taro Kunugi; Japan
Votes:4-*-2***; Points:10
kouzui no sarite nokorisi akai kutsu
after flood
a red shoes
Votes:1-1-2***; Points:9
Comments: Definitely more points from me, if there was a single shoe.
grandpa's farm
the new hydro dam floods
--Catherine J.S. Lee
Votes:2*****; Points:2
Comments: Nice set of yesterday and now.
In this the 7th kukai one voter chose to use only 4 out of his 6 points to vote
gillena cox; kukai coodinator
CaribbeanKigo #06 Kukai Results
Players: 1. Vasile Moldovan, Romania; 2. Sakuon Nakamura, Japan; 3. John McDonald, UK; 4. Cindy Tebo, USA; 5. Jacek Margolak; Poland; 6. Reason A Pooteet, USA; 7. Andrzej Dembończyk, Silesia, Poland; 8. Angelika Wienert, Germany; 9. Ed Baker, USA; 10. Mary Davila, USA ; 11. Magdalena Dale, Romania; 12. John Daleiden, USA; 13. Ralf Bröker, Germany; 14. Rafal Zabratynski; Poland; 15. Karina Klesko, USA; 16. Krzysztof Kokot, Poland; 17. Catherine J.S. Lee, Maine, USA; 18. Olga Neagu; Italy; 19. Keith Simmonds, Trinidad and Tobago;
beach fireworks
the last embers fall
into their reflections
--Catherine J.S. Lee
Comments:1.Strange, but impressive. 2. You have captured a fantastic moment—those fireworks linger on in their memorable reflections because this haiku captures the moment so well.
over the Caroni River
a fine layer of ash
Comments: There it goes - like life does.
fireworks -
the blind beggar keeps smiling
and playing the accordion
--Olga Neagu; Italy
Comments:This maniacal scene is haunting—the haiku cause us to shift our gaze for the blazing firework sky to beggarly plight of the accordion player creating a great pathos! A juxtaposition of $ spent on the fireworks and the poverty of a blind beggar playing the accordion. It caught my attention!
A shooting star
among the fireworks...
the yesteryear
--Vasile Moldovan; Romania
byouin no betsuto no ue no tohanabi
on the bed
in hospital
remote fireworks
fireworks -
the childrens' eyes
--John McDonald
under a canopy of fireworks
the wall
of fallen soldiers
--Cindy Tebo
Votes:*3****; Points:6
light up the sky
light up the river
--Jacek Margolak; Poland
Comments: Line two and three really show the effects.
youngsters ooh and aah
the horizon aglow with
nature’s fireworks
--Reason A. Poteet
Note: Perhaps the following links will help you understand why I wrote on nature's fireworks rather than the usual.Fourth of July celebrations. We get our fill of fireworks and air shows every year in this area from Thunder over Louisville. There are some negative side-effects which block the positives that more simpler fireworks occasions provide.
is a good link for pictures of the air show and the fireworks display
is a good link to understand the cost, magnitude and the company that makes the fireworks and puts on the show and this article was from 2002, seven years ago.
fireworks show -
smiling children's faces
in the hospital windows
--Andrzej Dembończyk, Silesia, Poland
no fireworks,
no festival --
another thunder
--Angelika Wienert, Oberhausen/Germany
kisskiss kisskiss kisssssssss
--Ed Baker; USA
Votes:******; Points:
Comments:interesting haiku 9 (onomatopoeic, but this effect could be obtained also with words)
morning shadows
last night's fireworks
rearrange the silence
--Mary Davila
Near a fence
a beggar looks at fireworks…
party echoes
--Magdalena Dale - Romania
red, green yellow, blue
streaks arch across the sky--
--John Daleiden
her eyes tell them
from long ago
--Ralf Bröker, Ochtrup, Germany
Votes:1*****; Points:1
fireworks' booms
a blind man leads
his guide dog
--Rafal Zabratynski
Votes:3-1-1***; Points:8
Comments: The picture is great. More sound in the word would make it a star verse.
a fiery Soca
on the face of the sleeping baby
lights of fireworks
Comments: I like how line 2 acts as a pivot line, essentially giving us two haiku. I do wonder about the wisdom of pollution because the Caroni and its tributaries drain one of the most densely populated part of Trinidad
fireworks galore
rising in feats of glory
Independence fest
--Keith A. Simmonds; T & T
--- Sakuon Nakamura; Japan said…
I have selected 3 ku from 19 entried, but there are others that are excellent; sakuo
---Olga Neagu; Italy said…
thank you,thank you,thank you!it's my first victory on line...unexpected...and I don't find the words for thank you enough
Caribbean Kigo #05 Kukai Results
Players: 1. Quentin Clingerman, USA; 2. Vasile Moldovan, Romania; 3.Sakuon Nakamura, Japan; 4. Keith Simmonds, Trinidad and Tobao; 5. John McDonald, UK; 6. Constantin Stroe; 7. Ralf Bröker, Germany; 8. Angelika Wienert, Germany; 9. Peter H. Pache, New Mexico USA; 10. Juhani Tikkanen, Finland; 11. Catherine J.S. Lee, Maine, USA; 12. Jacek Margolak; POLAND; 13. Rafal Zabratynski; Poland; 14. Krzysztof Kokot, Poland; 15. William Kenny, USA; 16. Valentin Nicolitov, 17. Magdalena Dale, Romania; 18. Reason A Pooteet, USA; 19. Mary Davila, USA
Invitee: Michael Baribeau; USA
The fifth Kukai, was contested by 19 players. William Kenney informed me at submission time that he would not vote, since he would be by then on vacation. Asterisk - Michael Baribeau; was this kukai’s invitee to vote and comment.
New: both the votes as well as the total scores are shown; eg for this kukai #5 is the winner with a total of 15 points having obtained four ones, four twos and one three
Apology: The winner of the Easter Kukai is Constantin Stroe; his email address ’Don Basilio’ was credited instead of his name; this has been subsequently corrected in both the Results Page and the Asterisks page
summer vacation -
camp-fire smoke
rising to the moon
--John McDonald
Comments:1. It's a calm evening or night; the moon. Camp-fire smoke is interested in moon. The writer is left alone. Time to just be still, vacation! Well-balanced text.
2. Very nice concrete images. the presence of Summer Vacation doesn't add much to the haiku for me, in fact I think it's better with just, campfire - the smoke rises - up to the moon. I want to read a reason for Summer Vacation to be used like, in the campfire smoke - but I stay - Summer Vacation.
smile lines . . .
sand from her summer vacation
still in her purse
--Mary Davila
Comments: 1. Charming haiku. Lines 2 and 3 are funny and show how the experience stays with her not only in the beach sand and how she relives it when discovering the sand but in her smile lines from line 1.
2. I hear the sand among all these s ...
*02, 08, 17 THIRD PLACE
A kite flying
above the schoolyard-
summer vacation
--Vasile Moldovan
Comments: I like it. Toys from home are not allowed at school, in fact teachers confiscate them to prevent distractions and fights at school so this rings of the childhood innocence victorious over rules squelching their spirit. It's funny with a touch of childhood rebellion, the kite like their flag waving from a concurred fort.
summer vacation --
in the garden by night
the hedgehog and me
Comments:1.A heavily armored hedgehog and the writer in the peaceful night; as something is going to happen?
2. like this one. I read this as a gardener trying to stay cool by enjoying an evening in the garden and funny that they are vacation at home in the garden. Spending it with a hedgehog in the garden is a nice nature bonding image too, your not overly specific so I was imagining just being able to hear the hedgehog work the garden in the dark. I had to google hedgehog and learned hedgehogs are encouraged by gardeners because it eats pests.
Summer vacation...
our sand castles destroyed
by the waves
--Magdalena Dale - Romania
Comments: 1.Word "destroyed" brings an unexpected tension here.
2. Good concrete images. I wonder why you focus on the waves washing away the castle and if it has some added meaning for Line 1 Summer Vacation like maybe it was coming to an end. Is it the metaphoric sand castles of dreams and this was a disappointing Summer Vacation?
The soft breezes blow
Cool sand felt between the toes
Summer vacation
--Quentin Clingerman
Comments: Nice work with the 5-7-5 syllable pattern although I prefer free verse for haiku. The near rhyme works well. Good concrete images. I get that your enjoying these sensation especially because it's Summer Vacation but these activities are so indicative of summer and I want to read more of a connotation or aha.
kodomo mago
ie ni afureru
natsu yasumi
children and grand children
overflow at my house
though all summer vacation
Comments: This is cute. I want to read it tightened up a bit though and with more show about what's happening and less tell about what's happening and with an emphasis on the surprise or revelation to Summer Vacation like, grandma's house - filled with shouts and laughter - Summer Vacation
tropical delight
sailing on the vast blue sea:
summer vacation
--Keith A. Simmonds; T & T
Comments: Ah, I like the imagery. It feels a little in the Western poetry style like with line 1 telling what I should feel instead of showing or describing it. Line 2 has good concrete images and verbs. The adjectives like "vast blue" are a bit Western in style again. I want to read more of a juncture, a stronger reason for including the phrase Summer Vacation otherwise it feels more an association and less about the aha.
Riotous children
in the stair head-
summer vacation
--Constantin Stroe
Comments: I like the choice of stair location implying the sound travels throughout the house. With Summer Vacation this implies to me not only the sound of joy from children perhaps on their way out the door but also a long summer of enduring their joy:) In line 1 normally I'd want the words for the sounds themselves and not a word characterizing them but riotous does seem to work well here.
summer vacation--
telling the children gently
why we stay at home
--Ralf Bröker, Germany
Votes:2-2-1***;Points: 9
Comments: This is a nice one with a somber tinge and a good connection with Line 1. Line 2 and 3 I want to read with less narration and more description, more physical images, and maybe a more implied connection to Line 1 like, Summer Vacation - the children watch - as the neighbors leave.
summer vacation --
the taste of dawn's wind
new freedom
--peter ;nm us
Comments:This is very poetic in the Western style with metaphor and abstractions. For a haiku I want to read something more basic and down to earth to imply the new freedom like, Summer Vacation - a dandelion seed - on the morning breeze.
"It's time you started
doing something useful!" --
summer vacation
Comments:1.LOL, a parent's lament to loafing children. I would have gone with something more traditional like, a mother shoos - her children out - Summer Vacation
2. This is pure reality – and good starter for a long story to tell.
summer vacation . . .
sun-warm watermelon
fresh off the vine
--Catherine J.S. Lee; Eastport, Maine, USA
Comments: Wonderful images. I want to read more implied connection to line 1, maybe focusing on the word vacation.
summer vacation
I chose the beach
with nobody on it
--Jacek Margolak; POLAND
Comments:Very nice, trying to enjoy Summer Vacation while avoiding the crowds with the same idea.
summer vacation
the glow of moonlight
on her tan lines
--Rafal Zabratynski; Rzeszow, Poland.
Comments:1. Line's 2 and 3 are delightfully seductive and are a haiku among themselves, the glow - of moonlight - on her tan lines. But line 1 does 'flesh' out the scene a little with the suggestion of young love and fleeting summer romance.
2. A real mystery which reminds me of a light-hearted time.
summer vacation-
Caribbean suntan
from Pitch Lake
Comments: 1.This is my favorite haiku. When I image the scene, I can smell scent of pit and tar. And strong bright sunshine burn my shin perfectly. And Caribbean dancers and music appear from old sailing ship. Very romantic haiku.
2. I don't know Pitch Lake but saying Caribbean suntan suggest that maybe Pitch Lake isn't in the Caribbean so instead of spending money on a Caribbean vacation the tan was from someplace local to you which I'm assuming isn't in the Caribbean. If this is the case I might go for a more famous lake name like for my area I would use Lake Michigan.
back home
after summer vacation
contented sighs
Note: We'll be away on our own summer vacation from Thursday on, so I won't be able to vote this time. Blessings
Comments: This is a nice scene. For lines 1 what about describing being back home instead of stating it, like for example with 'unpacking' or something. I was thinking instead of characterizing the sigh say something like 'deep sighs' and then the crafting of lines 1 and 2 can imply they are content sighs.
...and yet a hopscotch
in the empty school yard-
summer vacation
--Valentin Nicolitov
Comments: I like this it suggests to me that children visit the school yard to play even during Summer Vacation since Hopscotch squares are usually drawn in the dirt or in chalk on pavement so are temporary. Interesting phrasing, thought maybe going for 5-7-5 syllable pattern but I count 6 in Line 2, maybe it's my accent. School is 1 syllable right?
fall school term begins
retired teachers still on
summer vacation
--Reason A. Poteet
Comments: Cute haiku and a good 5-7-5 syllable pattern although I keep debating whether in my area retired is 2 syllables or 3. It feels a bit narrative in line 2 for example by characterizing the teacher as retired instead of describing the teacher so I'm thinking maybe a more specific example. To make some room lines 1 and 3 could be combined like 'after Summer Vacation'. Just playing around, maybe something like, an old professor - combs the empty beach after - Summer Vacation
---Tikkis; Finland said…
Lovely set! I should like to get a cookie to # 2 and #12 also! Not any cookies allowed ?-); Tikkis
---from the kukai coordinator
Condolences to Ralf Bröker; whose father in law died this July;
And on happier note, Angelika: glad you had a nice birthday, July 4th’; and to Magdalena and Sakuo; Hope you had a nice day on your birthday July 20 th
Thanks to all; players and invitee for making this kukai a success; gillena
---Que said…
I have been let know that free verse is preferred by someone twice now. Not a helpful comment because I prefer 5-7-5. But I am not going to judge other haiku on my preference!!! Nor am I going to put someone down for preferring free verse. That is an individual option. When I was introduced to haiku it was in the 5-7-5 pattern. I didn't know that there was any other pattern!! I like the 5-7-5 because it brings to me a little more discipline in the writing; Que
CaribbeanKigo #04 Kukai Results
The fourth Kukai, was contested by 16 players. Fourteen players met the voting deadline. Since there were two persons who did not vote; l asked two of our Kukai Asterisks - Michael Baribeau; and Jenny Townsend, non players in this kukai, for their vote; thus bringing the total to sixteen voters.
--gillena cox; kukai coodinator
Corpus Christi
a pregnant woman
climbs the church steps
Comments: 1. Coming into this world - still a great thing. So simple, so great.
2. not because the pregnant woman is Mary but because of His sacrifice to redeem. 3. the image of the pregnant woman climbing the church steps evokes images of Mary and the Christ child as well as the history of Christ as recorded in the gospels. This is a powerful haiku image for me.
4. poignant image of the 'burdened' pregnant woman opting to make the arduous trip to attend Mass this important day instead of staying home and nurse her delicate condition.
stained glass
tints my prayers
corpus christi
--Robin Beshers, US
Comments: 1.No incense, no chants. This everyday-prayer goes much deeper.
2. Interesting using "tints" as a verb. I want to read more of a connection to "Corpus Christi", for example 'Easter' would seem to fit better here because of the tradition of egg dying.
In the street
a beggar eating bread…
Corpus Christi
--Magdalena Dale - Romania
Comments:1. My number three, cause He said, we will find Him this way. Without line one my number one.
2. I preferred those that placed the kigo most firmly and deeply in the context of the natural and the human. #13 accomplishes this, while acknowledging the traditional religious significance of the feast.
3. In this haiku the image of the beggar in the street eating the simple meal of bread evokes principles of religious faith; the simple and unadorned images suggest humbleness and truth.
4. If they have communion in the street for these processionals or hand out bread then I can see the life saving bread is also to remind of the life everlasting bread of communion but I thought the procession happened before or after the communion at Mass.
5.This is a warm message; who is the beggar; anyway he/she's got some bread to eat. (Not any fish?).
Red raindrops ooze
from the wood of cross...
Corpus Christi
--Vasile Moldovan
Comments: I like this approach. The word "ooze" has some negative gore connotations and for me seemed to give too much away. Maybe 'trickle'? In fact I wanted to read it as being even less direct like, rain trickles down - the red wood cross - Corpus Christi.
a barefoot farmer
washing his hands --
Corpus Christi
Comments: 1.the symbolism of hand washing and the biblical account of Pilate struck a correspondence for me in this haiku; well done.
2. I like the wabi sabi image of a barefoot farmer. I assume he is trying to make himself presentable for Corpus Christi but can't hide his humble status due to his barefeet. Also if I recall feet washing by Jesus and his deciples was important in some traditions so this might be ironic as well.
Corpus Christi
in the heart and on the earth
love homegrown
--Mary Angela Nangini
Comments: For me this is telling about love through sacrifice of God born a man and martyred but I want to read it more showing me not telling me. It feels a little too abstract, maybe more concrete images like, Corpus Christi - children crowd around - the cart with a lamb
Corpus Christi:
farmers planting their crops
in the tradition
--Keith A. SIMMONDS; T & T
Comments: I'm not familier with "the tradition", maybe describe the technique? Is this describing an area celebrating Corpus Chrisi that is poor/simple and planting 'by hand' so with a wabi sabi quality? I don't get the connection though with Corpus Christi but my knowledge of the celebration is limited.
corpus Christi fog
the procession meanders
among the puddles
--Jacek Margolak; POLAND
Comments: 1.for me the "fog" and the "puddles" through which this Corpus Christi procession meanders suggests the roadblocks and obstructions that intervene between faith and the faithful; well done.
2. I enjoyed the image of the robed clergy precessional line, vearing around puddles not seen until the last minute due to the fog. I don't think it needs "fog" and in fact used this way it seems to be talking about the town of Corpus Christi Texas and not just the feast.
Corpus Christi
His Body and Blood saves us
World without end
--Catbird55; USA
Comments: This reads more like traditional western poetry, hey worked in the King James New Testiment version right? I want to read it not with the meaning 'explained' but instead with more simple concrete images 'suggesting' the meaning like, Corpus Christi - breaking a loaf of bread - I pause
petalled pavements
waterfalls of wine -
Corpus Christi
-- John
Comments: I like the "P" amd "W" illiterations. I wanted to play with making line 1 and 2 a single phrase like, petals floating - on rivlets of wine - Corpus Christi. But that's for a more party festival and I thought Corpus Christi was more formal. I guess the meaning of "waterfalls of wine" is unclear to me. Is it a metaphor for the wine flowing from drinking party goers or refering to large turn outs for Mass maybe or something else?
Corpus Christi -
neighbours bedight their altar
close to the café
--Ralf Bröker; Germany, Ochtrup
Comments: I'm not sure of the significance of being close to the cafe. Is it so they can quickly retire to the cafe? Is the cafe a community meeting place? Is that why "neighbours" is used? I had to look up "bedight" it is an archaic term in my area, was it's choice significant?
corpus Christi
acts of kindness by design
with God's signature
-Note: As the body of Christ, believers are intent on kindness which flows not by chance but from God.
-- Reason A. Poteet
Comments: I want to read not that there were acts of kindness and who they were by but of the acts themselves and see for myself God's signature by 'implied' meaning.
incense smoke-
in the golden cage
Corpus Christi
Comments: I assume by the hyphen that the Corpus Christi is kept in a golden cage and not the incense. I want to read more of a implied meaning between line 1 and the rest like, incense - the golden cage approaches - Corpus Christi. Or maybe something with the smoke to give it a more mystical mood.
planting pigeon peas
and red peppers in the rain--
Corpus Christi
--John Daleiden; Avondale, AZ
Comments: Afraid I don't know what pigeon peas are nor what the significance in planting them and red peppers in the rain would be for Corpus Christi.
Corpus Christi now
The "Ecclesia" is One
Honoring the Christ
--Quentin Clingerman
Comments: "now" doesn't really fit here for me, if the only purpose is to maintain the 5-7-5 syllable pattern I would say, 'the Corpus Christi'. For me haiku are stronger if they have an insight or connotation in understanding them while this one feels more straight forward analysis of an observation. Maybe instead giving an example of how they show their respect to "the Christ" and how it relates to Corpus Christi.
Trinitas . . .
a dove guides the Corpus Christi procession
into Father's Day
--Mary Davila
Comments: It feels like is one and a half haiku here not one like, a dove - guides the procession - Corpus Christi... and, a dove - guides Corpus Christi - into Father's Day. I don't see the relevence in the haiku for Trinitas.
--Ralf Bröker; Germany, Ochtrup winner of kukai #3 said…
This time it was "no points" for Mr. B. after a better round in #3.
It was asked in the comments, whether café has a special meaning and why I used "bedight". May I answer here?
It is a tradition in our town that neighbourhoods build altars when the feast of Corpus Christi is near. It is made of wood, drapery and flowers. After the procession has stopped and is gone the neighbours clear the scene and have a drink or a coffee.
"Bedight" is word used often in the context of churches, it underlines - in my eyes - an old fashioned way of life in modern times.
"Café" is a modern term in our town, where neighbours used to drink coffee in private houses. It is also a counterpoint to Corpus Christi itself: this feast celebrates that bread and wine become blood and body when Jesus is present.
Could be that I've to learn two things: sophisticated does not mean good, but could lead into nebulosity. And: haiku you have to explain are no haiku.
Will try to keep on improving.
Best wishes
--Michael Baribeau - Michigan USA; invitee voter for Kukai #3 said...
Ralf, It's good that you are to be open to inquiry/critique. Just as readers here are trying to understand haiku written from different cultures you are working to anticipate reception from other perspectives and that is important at any experience level. Your explanation of irony between bedight and cafe makes sense to me now. This connection wouldn't have been understood in my region since cafes are nothing new. Since blogging is relatively new from my cultural perspective I would have written something like corpus Christi - blogging about - the bedighted shrine. But in 25 years from now the meaning may be lost when blogging is no longer 'new', in fact my own son who has grown up around blogging may not think of it as new and not understand my haiku. I think haiku that are cosmopolitan and dealing with 'universally' understood aspects are more effective because they are understood by a larger audience for a longer period of time and might even have the impression of a 'universal truth'. Although a haiku may not be cosmopolitan and may need explanation outside a certain region doesn't mean it isn't a haiku. We shouldn't abandon the haiku meant only for today, but should be aware that it is transient and only for a local audience for a limited time. The masters have many haiku whose meaning have been lost to us, and are now but a glimpse into a private dialog meant only for them then and not us now. After your explanation I rather enjoy your haiku. For me the image of the neighbor's 'feast' at the cafe afterwards is more appealing though then the bedight/cafe connection.
Michael Baribeau
-- Reason A. Poteet; USA said...
Gillena: I'm so glad you included the afterwords comments by Ralf and by Michael, which help to clarify the view that comments made from a specific reader can be only that - the viewpoint of one person among thousands (or at least several tens) of readers. Personally I like the comments because they help me to grow. I enjoy reading
the many different voices that one given kigo (theme) can inspire so many varied and outstanding pieces. Some writers may be offended by "rewrites" offered in the commentary and to that I say, take it for what it is just another voice being heard. I have so much to learn about writing in general and in particular, haiku.
Comments are welcome at any time.
Reason A.
--Comment from the Kukai coordinator; Gillena Cox - TT…
Another successful and highly stimulating kukai.
Turns out haiku #8, with zero points; is a star poem in this round. I want to disagree though with Ralf when he said “ haiku you have to explain are no haiku.”
This kukai is played on an international platform; true the kigo are posed out of a Caribbean essence, but there is international empathy and cultural diversity which makes for interest and sharing. Meaning does not exist in a vaacum; Cherry Blossom to a Japanese haijin is not the same to a Polish haijin; and Poui to a Trini haijin is not the same to a German haijin the common ground exist after explanation or knowing. I think, it is typical of a good haiku in an international forum; to be not necessarily one which stimulates an AHA moment, since not everyone will understood the tradition; but rather, if it is good enough to spark enough attention and a hankering to get inside of the poem. This is what haiku #8 did and after Ralf’s explanation my appreciation has been heightened. To spark comments whether they be in misunderstanding or in laurels in this arena of sharing various traditions of a particular theme; this for me, is the essence of the kukai.
Thanks again, for another successful kukai, to all players and invitees; only because you made it so.
much love
--of Haiku #3; the author says...
Corpus Christi, the Body of Christ for me is not a final one time historical event but an ongoing reception of the graces of this "eternal sacrifice", therefore, "love homegrown" becomes the intentional, personal assent to love as Love has loved and continues to give, and, to do the same "in the heart and on the earth": to work at loving others as myself and to work at growing the fruits of the earth, the given gifts of the Love who sustains us. As you say in your comments, everyone interprets from their own vantage point, experiences, cultures, etc. I think this is the beauty of haiku. It may touch none, a few or as any winning haiku, a larger group of readers at once. It would be good to hear from all the haiku authors.
Mary Angela
---Tikkis; Finland said…
Thanks for these comments, or afterwords, conversation! They are deepening at least my point of view on those haiku. They are building up as wonderful haibuns afterwards! And as many years read Shiki kukai haikus I don't care how many "points" that or this got; if I like a haiku with 0 pts I'm anyway happy to read it! Who says there is something to understand in this world?
Best greetings to you all!
---Magdalena Dale; Romania said…
I agree with Tikkis. If there are haikus that leave feelings in my heart I am glad and no matter how many points they have. For me is interesting and instructive to take part in this kukai. Gillena is right. Where can be found a beggar? In street of course! But if I put him in another place with a more profound signification, I think it would be better. Thank you for this opportunity to learn more about haiku. Warm greetings to all participants.
Magdalena Dale
CaribbeanKigo #03KukaiResults
This, the third Kukai, was contested by 18 players. Seventeen players met the voting deadline. Since there was one person away on spring break and whose vote I did not get in time; l asked one of our Kukai Asterisks - Michael Baribeau; who not a player in this kukai to vote and comment; Michael’s vote totalling the voters to eighteen.
Comments are placed for the haikus without the names of the persons commenting
Mother's Day--
her mirror refracts
morning light
Comments: I read this to imply the mother is 'gone' but that the mirror that she used and often held her reflection now beams with her essence in the prizm of colors, a sign that she is still around in some sence. I would have been tempted to work in the phrase 'prizm of colors' into the haiku but using the word "refracts" and not spelling out the effect made me instead explore it's association a little more with "Mother's Day" to good advantage. The use of morning light that can angle through a window and shine on the mirror adds a sence of legitamecy, or logic, or maybe shasei (sketch from life) and also conjures images of sunbeams adding to the warmth and magic of this image.
Mother's Day--
a few graves on the hill
with new blossoms
--Karina Klesko
Comments:I like the wide image of a hill with flowers left at mother's graves on Mother's Day.
mother's day
I step over
a crack
Comments:1. brilliant.
2.Funny! My 8 year old often recipts the rhyme as he steps over cracks in the sidewalk "step on a crack, break your mama's back".
the first time
her boy buys a bunch of flowers-
Mother's Day
--Vasile Moldovan
Comments: 1. great moment, wins by concentration: first time/her boy buys flowers/Mothers Day
2. A sweet point indicating the child's age and suggesting a mother's pride as he accomplishes another 'first'. What about making it more implied by dropping "her" like 'he buys a bunch of flowers'. Or, although I like the alliteration of "b"s in L2 maybe just streamline the language more... 'he buys - his first bouquet - mother's day'
mother's day -
in a dark alley
she slurps her gin
Comments:1. between irony and hopelessness, courageous verse.
2.Very poignant. A little too dark and direct a haiku for my tastes. But I've found you can 'say' almost anything by implying it, like... 'mother's day - in a dark alley - an empty gin bottle'. Still, not sure my version has the approprite 'chateness' for a 'traditional' haiku.
for Mother's Day
a flood of memories...
the empty chair
Comments:1. (Exactly "the" chair, not "an"!).
2. I like this one but the ambiguity of whether it's the mother's chair or her child's chair, did they die or did the child grow up and leave, all leaves me a little unsettled, not sure if that's a good thing or not but there it is. Wondering about maybe a more concrete example of remembering for line 2.
Dear Mom.....
trail blazing us
to the higher places
Comments:It feels like a neat play on a mother's day card to me but I want to read it with more of a connotation or insight, more implied meaning and less direct.
Flowers sheltering
the tombstone from the wind --
Mother's Day
Comments: I enjoyed this one. The delicate flowers placed at the tombstone in honor of Mother's Day provides some protection from the elements, symbolic comfort to the deceased. I read there's already a haiku in the first 2 lines if broken down into 3 lines... 'flowers - sheltering the tombstone - from the wind'.
It is Mother's Day
Memories come flooding back
White carnation wilts
--Quentin Clingerman
Comments: I like the use of the official fower of Mother's Day, the white carnation, being used. I'm a little confused if this is a mother's adult children thinking of there deceased mother or a mother thinking of Mother's Days past when the kids were little. I wonder about being a little more concrete with maybe a specific memory in line 2 instead. Line 3 I want to read carnation plural like 'white carnations wilt'. I can see the 5-7-5 pattern, I personally prefer free verse, and was tempted instead by the rhythem of something like 'wilting white carnations'
The bitterish nuts...
and its become sweet-
Mother's Day
--Constantin Stroe
Comments: I was confused I only eat salted nuts and didn't think of them as bitter, also not sure of the work bitterish. I assume they become sweet with chololate? Is this some Mother's Day tradition?
toddlers little hand-
colourful bunch of wild flowers
first Mother's Day
Comments:1.#11 was at first in my list, but L1 "little" not needed, (toddler's hands are little ones);also L2 colourful not needed. Just wild flowers!;Even better, if all those wild flowers are not-so-colourful! Up to reader's choice;That's why dropped it off, sad;
2. Charming image. I'd use an apostrophy for toddler's. Not sure you need the words "little" or "colourful". I wanted to read line 1 and 2 as a phrase like... 'toddler's hand - clutching the wild flowers - first Mother's Day'. I wonder about more emphasis on the toddler's hand like... 'toddler's tight grip' so the emphasis is also on the toddler's inexperince and a little more of a twist, the irony in having to let the flowers go.
Mother's Day -
my friend brings mother flowers
on her grave
--Andrzej Dembończyk, Silesia, Poland
Comments: A wonderful gesture of friendship and perhaps being freinds your friend knew and loved your mother. Don't think you need the word "mother" in line 2. I would change "on" to 'to' in line 3.
a groundskeeper rests
against her headstone...
mother's day
--ed Markowski
Comments: An entertaining image of you waiting for the groundskeeper so you can leave flowers. Also suggests mother still offers 'support'.
my mother's rockingchair
the weight
of forget-me-not bunch
---Jacek Margolak; POLAND
Comments: 1. (Word "my" not needed? But L3 forgives that!)
2. I read this as sitting at your mother's rocker and thinking of her, the "weight" both physical and metaphorical about memories stired from the bouqet of forget-me-nots. To avoid the broken English in line 3 what about dropping "bunch' and go with the plural... 'of forget-me-nots'
expectant teen
votes no on abortion
Mother's Day observed
--Reason A. Poteet
Comments: Interesting idea having this expectant mother voting against abortion. It feels a little artificial that there would be such a vote near such a holiday it doesn't seem so much as an observance of Mother's Day but as a political statement. Not 'traditional' style haiku but in this same vein I would go with something more concrete and less direct, like... 'polling booth - in the long line - the baby's first kick' not sure how "Mother's Day" would work in though .
one shadow
becomes two
mothers day
Comments: Neat idea. Not sure how strong an association to Mother's Day it has, seems to celebrate the magic of procreation instead of honoring mothers raising their children. I wanted read something a little more specific like... 'she turns to add - the baby's shadow - beside her'.
Bunches of flowers
in the children’s hands…
Mother’s Day
--Magdalena Dale – Romania
Comments:1. #17 was similar, but wild flowers was something "great";0,5 pts for #17 and #11, but it is not possible.
2. Such a sweet scene. I want to read with more of a twist or aha, like... 'Mother's Day - the smell of flowers - on the children'
the void left
after her abortion . . .
Mother's Day
--Mary Davila
Comments:Even I can feel the ache of that maternal instinct. It feels a little too heavy in a haiku for my taste. Perhaps a little less direct... 'she stays home - with the tv off - Mother's Day'
More Comments
There are many very good haiku here and I am amazed to see; so many of the 18 pieces reflecting a sense of emptiness, sadness
and pain in their loss!
Mother's Day is the one holiday which calls to mind the widest variety of emotions as evidenced by these entries.
Karina Klesko, 2nd place asterisk, poem #10 said
congrats to all......actually mine has a little more depth than flowers on a hill.
My mother is deceased...and the new blossoms on the hill represents ..recently deceased well as another years blossoms for the graves already there....a few new blossoms, meaning...a few of our mothers have just recenty the basic meaning of the poem.
hugs, karina..
Mary Davilla's poem is perfect the way it is. I liked it very much
The Kukai Co-ordinator , that’s me, gillena; says
WOW!!! what a kukai, looking forward to reading more of every one’s poems here at Caribbean Kigo Kukai
Caribbean Kigo #02 KukaiResults
Easter Day-
on my grandpa's cross
a sleeping butterfly
--Constantin Stroe
Points:-- 22
nearly Easter--
new leaves flood
the willow tree
Many candles
in the starry night –
Easter Eve
-- Magdalena Dale
Points:-- 12
a brand new welcome mat
on the funeral home porch
--ed Markowski
Points:-- 4
An acute baaing
breaking the silence to pieces
...Easter lamb's
--Vasile Moldovan
Lilies bright and white
Resurrection morning fair
Easter has arrived
--Quentin Clingerman
Points:-- 2
winds from the North
Easter Sunday today
hardboiled eggs
--Joseph B. Connolly
reminding Easter Parade
with Judy and Fred
at my young age
Points:-- 4
Easter Sunday . . .
for a moment almost
all the way back
--BILL KENNEY; Whitestone NY USA
captives could be freed
Christians hold Jesus hostage
clandestine Easter
--Reason A. Poteet
Points:-- 2
Easter wind
the moon resurrections
in my window
-- Jacek Margolak POLAND
Easter --
that cackling chicken
laying an egg again?
-- Tikkis
Points:-- 2
Easter -
a monk on his knees
scrubs out the confessional
--John McDonald
Easter morning greeting -
children go on searching
the Bunny's gifts
--Tomislav Maretić
Points:-- 2
starry-eyed children
waiting with bated breath...
Easter bunny
--Keith A. SIMMONDS; T & T
easter sunday -
beside empty grave of Jesus
still fresh flowers
--Andrzej Dembończyk, Poland, Silesia
Points:-- 7
Easter Monday
chocolate bunnies all gone
I reflect on Jesus
--Catbird 55
Easter table
sunny morning -
frisky chickens
on the easter table
--Robert Nowak; Poland
Points:-- 2
after Easter mass
children hunt for eggs--
the Church School Playground
--John Daleiden
speckles of
easter morning
in the wood thrush's song
--cindy tebo
Fishes are descending *
Morning in Jerusalem
Easter arcana
*constellation Pisces
Easter Monday
a couple try to jump
the ticket barrier
--Alan Summers
Bradford on Avon; Wiltshire, England, U.K.
Points:-- 1
Caribbean Kigo #01KukaiResults
season of lent-
my shadow
thinner and thinner
-- Jacek Margolak; POLAND
Points: 20
Comments: 1. I liked using their shadow instead of a mirror to observe the fasting but not sure if there was any other significants to it. In my region a thin shadow can imply a long shadow and winter but I don't believe that's the same for Caribbean kigo.
2. I try also to make thinner my shadow. Although I try, my belly is still bulging in profile on the wall. But fasting is not for physical but spiritual reasons. Let our souls to be merry!
3. Here is really the spirit of Lent
the ash cross
smudged on his sleeve
season of Lent
--Michael Baribeau
Points: 16
Comments: I'd cut 'season of’
last day of lent -- - -
so many spring blossoms
waiting to open
--Karina Klesko
Points: 13
Comments:1. This is also a beautiful haiku. There is enough balance between sad and joy.I like it very much.
2. This poem contains a good balance between the sobriety of lent and joy to live.
in the wayside chapel
kneel the prostitutes
--Andrzej Dembończyk
Points: 13
Comments: The Lent is a good ocasion to pray for ask for forgiveness.Even for prostitutes.
2. I'd reorder the lines to - in the wayside chapel/prostitutes kneel/lent
payday friday night
too many dollars lent
fish chowder all gone
--Joseph B. Connolly
Points: 2
sizyun-sai touki karibu wo sinobi wori
lent festival
it reminds me
Caribbean far away
Points: 0
oko ponoci
zvono zove na pasticadu
prije Pepelnice
around midnight
a bellfry calls for pasticada
before Lent
--Tomislav Maretic
*** pasticada - the last grassy meal before Lent
Points: 1
Comments: My knowledge of Lent is limited but I liked thinking this a good natured poke at the Fat Tuesday 'preperations' before lent with a Pavlovian responce to the church bells.
first day of lent
an upside-down squirrel
hangs onto the birdfeeder
Points: 7
songs from carnival
are chased away by ashes
Lent has arrived.
-- Catbird; Corbelle Armando
Points: 1
Comments: I liked this for it's metaphor a poetic sense but for the same reason felt it was a little too much tell and not enough show in a haiku for my tastes.
peacock eyes
under the lenten moon-
grass and grubs
Points: 5
Comments: I thought this poetic and an interesting moonlit image. For me it symbolized spring but seemed contrary to Lent traditions of fasting but not sure what the caribbean 'spring' interp would be. I was confused also because I didn't think peacocks were nocturnal. Maybe it was the eye patterns of their feathers?
After the Lent
all around the church
shells of red eggs
--Vasile Moldovan
Points: 12
Comments:1. For me personally, being Eastern Orthodox, this is a familiar moment. I can just see the red shells all cracked open! Perhaps in line one "the" isn't necessary, just "after Lent" instead would be enough.
2.This haiku has a very good contrast between Lent and red eggs, between Lent and Fest, sad and joy.
Lent came to an end...
the blades of grass are rising
among the ruins too
-- Constantin STROE
Points: 8
Comments:1. a bit lengthy possibly due to translation, the juxtaposition in this one is very good. For line one, maybe just "end of Lent" and for line two, removing "the" . . .
end of Lent—
blades of grass are rising
among the ruins too
Lent's end—
grass blades are rising
among the ruins too
2. Nice symbol of spring after Lent and Easter's risen Lord. I assume the symbolism still works in the Caribbean even without the spring kigo.
after the bacchanal...
lenten resolutions
for forty days
--Keith A. Simmonds; T & T
Points: 0
in the desert
temptation all around--
--tori inu; JAPAN
Comments: Like the irony.
Lent begins –
old stones in a shoe
gnaw at her sole
--Mary Davila
Points: 4
Comments: Another Lent tradition I'm not familier with but I understand the purpose and you gotta like the pun:) I would say 'her' shoe instead of 'a' shoe.
Lent --
the cross is not yet
--Angelika Wienert
Points: 4
Comments: I'd cut the 'is'
discussing lent
he has a third biscuit -
mother superior smiles
Points: 3
cobwebs sway
where the mistletoe hung...
lent begins
--Ed Markowski
Points: 9
Comments: Nicely implies the tradition of spring cleaning for Lent and going from the pantry plenty of a mistletoe Christmas to the empty cobwebs of fasting for Lent.
Question what is lent
Stuff swept from under beds
Answered Josh age 6
Note: This is a true story. At children's church on Easter when my grandson Joshua was 6 the minister asked if anyone knew what lent was. Joshua's hand shot up: "I know, I know" he answered. At age 6 he knew just about everyting. "It's that stuff you sweep from under the bed." The minister could not keep a straight face and the congregation burst into laughter. Josh is now 22 and still knows everything.
Points: 0
unlit candle
the Lent Sacrifice box
--Richard Krawiec
Points: 3
be it borrowed, be it lent,
your pound of flesh
at stake
--Norman Darlington, Bunclody, Ireland
Points: 2
the great harmonies...
Lent opens
with a dead language
--Daniel W. Schwerin Minister; First United Methodist Church; 121 Wisconsin Ave
Points: 5
Comments: I believe that poem # 22 is a senryu , not a haiku. But realy it is a good senryu
Comments (1)
olga neagu said
at 6:54 am on Aug 22, 2009
thank you,thank you,thank you!it's my first victory on line...unexpected...and I don't find the words for thank you enough(Oh,I created now an acount here!another succes for me)
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