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Caribbean Kigo 2010 Kukai ASTERISKS
autumn wreath
the dried sunflower
feeds a blackbird
--Marleen Hulst; The Netherlands
New Year’s dawn…
on the top of the garbage
a Christmas wreath
--Magdalena Dale - Romania
father's funeral...
the lily wreath
full of life
--Jacek Margolak; POLAND
festival lights
on the wet sidewalk
-- john McDonald; Scotland
kindling the flame--
one candle
lights another
--Cara Holman; USA
autumn festival -
among the candle lanterns
a moth dancing
--Jacek Margolak; POLAND
row of lamps -
a blind begger sharing sweets
with his puppy
--Cezar-Florin Ciobîca; Romania
twilight shadows--
the flash
of a bluebird's wing
--Cara Holman; USA
morning light
a bluejay's scolding
breaks the silence
funeral mass
her brief smile
at the bluebird outside
--Marleen Hulst; USA
at my window …
a bluebird carrying on its wings
the whole sky
--Magdalena Dale; Romania
sudden thunder
we forget
our quarrel
--Marleen Hulst, The Netherlands
distant thunder
my children's room full
of whispers
--Jacek Margolak;POLAND
distant thunder
his big brother
seems smaller now
--Bouwe Brouwer; The Netherlands
distant thunder...
the brush of cat fur
against my legs
--Diane Mayr, USA
after the thunder
then birdsong
--Cara Holman; USA
crack of thunder -
a heron letting slip
the scared frog
--Cezar-Florian Ciobîca; Romania;
summer rain
my umbrella
--Bill Kenney; USA
after divorce court –
still, she offers to share
her umbrella
--Catherine J.S. Lee, USA
drought -
my son is drawing again
clouds and umbrellas
--Cezar-Florian Ciobîca, Romania
summer rain
my umbrella
--Bill Kenney; USA
autumn memory
of those walks with my father . . .
so many silences
--Bill Kenney
father planting
new violets
on his son's grave
--Juhani Tikkanen, Finland
Father’s Day . . .
I try to remember
his voice
--Mary Davila; USA
My father's face
forty years later
back in my mirror
--Franklin Magalhaes; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
autumn memory
of those walks with my father . . .
so many silences
--Bill Kenney
father planting
new violets
on his son's grave
--Juhani Tikkanen, Finland
Father’s Day . . .
I try to remember
his voice
--Mary Davila; USA
strains of Mendelssohn
the groom fiddles
with his carnation
--Cara Holman, USA
the scent of carnations
from a nearby garden—
evening rain
--Jacek Margolak; Poland
so many
contrary feelings –
just a carnation
toliko suprotnih
osjecaja – samo
jedan karanfil
--Tomislav Maretic; Croatia
windy beach
a small boy struggles
with the dragon kite
--Rafal Zabratynski
kite-flying -
father holds his son's
--john McDonald
windy day
the rainbow of kites
on a cloudless sky
--Jacek Margolak; Poland
spring regatta –
a white kite catches
the salt breeze
--Catherine J.S. Lee; USA
on my forehead
the priest's cold thumb
-- John McDonald; Scotland
end of the mass
an old man wipes ashes off
his bald head
--Rafal Zabratynski; Poland
funeral -
on the urn with the ashes
yellow butterfly
--Andrzej Dembonczyk, Silesia, Poland
carnival in Venice -
my shadow puts on
a mask
--Jacek Margolak; POLAND
carnival season
the condom machine
needs refilling
--Rafal Zabratynski, Poland,
Mardi Gras -
a little dog
wears sunglasses
--John McDonald; Scotland
carnival in Rio -
girl with a broken leg
watching the dancers
--Andrzej Dembonczyk, Silesia, Poland
new year's day
the smell of pickled herring
on the cat's breath
--Cindy Tebo
fortune cookies -
the same wisdom
as the year before
--Andrzej Dembończyk, Silesia, Poland
hoping for the coin
in the cowpeas, ham, and rice –
a new year begins
--Catherine J.S. Lee
his fist full
of black-eyed peas
a gull's scream
--Mary Davila
Caribbean Kigo 2009 KukaiASTERISKS
solitude . . .
turning out the lights
I let in the moon
--Bill Kenney; US
The first cry-
lights and shades
on the mother's face
--Vasile Moldovan; Romania
neon lights
the curtain's pattern
blinks on the wall
--Rafal Zabratynski; Poland
in the same pool
the sun and the moon
October light
--Juhani Tikkanen; Finland
flood's end
through the rusty gate
a sunbeam
--Jacek Margolak; POLAND
a teacup
still in the doll's hand
flood waters
--Mary Davila; US
flood warning
ducks glide past
a row of mailboxes
--Cindy Tebo; US
beach fireworks
the last embers fall
into their reflections
--Catherine J.S. Lee
over the Caroni River
a fine layer of ash
fireworks -
the blind beggar keeps smiling
and playing the accordion
--Olga Neagu
summer vacation -
camp-fire smoke
rising to the moon
--John McDonald
smile lines . . .
sand from her summer vacation
still in her purse
--Mary Davila
A kite flying
above the schoolyard-
summer vacation
--Vasile Moldovan
summer vacation --
in the garden by night
the hedgehog and me
Summer vacation...
our sand castles destroyed
by the waves
--Magdalena Dale - Romania
Corpus Christi
a pregnant woman
climbs the church steps
--Bill Kenny, US
stained glass
tints my prayers
corpus christi
--Robin Beshers, US
In the street
a beggar eating bread…
Corpus Christi
--Magdalena Dale, Romania
Mother's Day--
her mirror refracts
morning light
-- Ralf Bröker; Germany
Mother's Day--
a few graves on the hill
with new blossoms
--Karina Klesko, US
mother's day
I step over
a crack
--Bill Kenny, US
Easter Day-
on my grandpa's cross
a sleeping butterfly
--Constantin Stroe,
nearly Easter--
new leaves flood
the willow tree
--Jenny Townsend, US
Many candles
in the starry night –
Easter Eve
-- Magdalena Dale, Romania
season of lent-
my shadow
thinner and thinner
-- Jacek Margolak; Poland
the ash cross
smudged on his sleeve
season of Lent
--Michael Baribeau, US
last day of lent --
so many spring blossoms
waiting to open
--Karina Klesko, US
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